So incredibly grateful for the words that you put to the feelings that flood so many women's hearts (including mine!). I'm grateful too for your example of not giving up on the gifts the Lord has given you - writing included - that though may seem outside of your primary vocation, serve your family and your community in untold ways!

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God bless you for this sacrifice. May Our Lady’s prayers keep and guide you as you fulfill your maternal calling. The family is worth it!

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Admitting I couldn't do it all after my son was born was truly liberating. I loved my job, but I knew I couldn't be the wife and mother that my family needed if I continued to work.

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I love how you shared your change in perspective. Yes, you said "no" to some things, but you also said "yes" too . Sacrifice takes away a lot, but it also gives us so much more in ways that's hard to explain.

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Thank you for sharing! 🤍 lived a similar story, glad to feel closeness in what our Vocation surprises us with! My prayers are with the 4 of you 🙏🏼 (I’m also pregnant, due in August with my second, and have an almost 2 year old 😁)

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Love your humility and your openness in the end to saying yes! 💕💕

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God bless you!

I worked until my oldest was two and a half (my husband was in grad school until then). I was an electrical engineer with a masters degree, I had childcare and family support, but when my husband did a five month internship where he lived across the country and I was working my full time job plus working one day a week at my church and taking a masters class and single mom-ing a one year old... I had a mental breakdown. I thought with grit alone I could do, not just both, but more than both. I'm much healthier post mental breakdown, but I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

I have a second baby now, and I've been a stay at home mom his whole life. I'm enjoying every stage I remember with my first, but with even more delight, because I get to be home. ❤️

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